5 Benefits Of Regular Tree Trimming

A healthy tree needs regular trimming to maintain its form and look its best. Trimming can also prevent unwanted damages to both the tree and your property.

1. Better Tree Health 

Annual trimming can help improve a tree's health. Removing weak and damaged wood means the tree can divert energy to grow healthier branches and leaves. Trimming also removes branches that show signs of disease or major pest issues, thus preventing the spread of the problem to the rest of the tree or neighboring tree. Finally, pruning opens up the tree crown for better light and moisture penetration, which improves plant health.

2. Fewer Home Damages

Overgrown tree branches may scrape against your roof or siding when the wind is blowing. This can lead to missing shingles, damaged siding, or even a broken window. Further, the detritus that falls from overhanging branches collects on roofs and gutters, where it can cause water to collect and leaks to occur on the roof. Proper trimming ensures branches don't encroach onto the home so there is less chance of damage.

3. Improved Tree Form

Poor form can cause a tree to blow down or split apart prematurely. Ideally, most tree varieties are pruned to a single main trunk and strong and balanced lattice of lateral crown branches. If you start pruning when a tree is young, attaining and maintaining a good form is simple. For mature trees that haven't been pruned in a long time, it may take several years of trimming to help a tree regain good form.

4. Lower Injury Risk

Falling tree branches are referred to as widow makers due to the fact that they can be deadly. You don't want dead branches lurking above your yard where they could fall and hurt someone or damage something below. Annual trims ensure dead and broken branches are removed. Since trimming is typically done in late winter when branches are bare, your tree trimmer can easily see which branches pose a hazard.

5. Prevent Storm Damage

High winds, hail, and even heavy ice or snow can all destroy a tree. Trees that are riddled with weak branches are more likely to suffer damages, lose limbs, or even blow over. Regular pruning to remove weak wood, not just that which is dying but also those branches that grow at droopy angles or rub together, can prevent storm damages from killing your tree. 

Contact a tree trimming service in your area if you need to trim the trees in your yard.
