Tips To Apply Organic Lawn Care To Your Yard This Spring

Spring is in full force and your lawn is off to a great healthy start. When you follow organic lawn care guidelines, you protect the environment and keep your lawn naturally healthy and attractive. Here are some recommendations for you to maintain and improve the health of your lawn with organic care.

Feed Your Lawn

Your lawn is going to need regular feeding to replace the nutrients it uses for regular growth as are lost from the soil. However, when you use organic lawn care methods, you don't want to apply traditional chemical fertilizers. These fertilizers tend to rinse from your lawn and end up in waterways downstream and can cause problems for water wildlife.

Instead, look for an organic lawn fertilizer that is made of ingredients that are safe for the environment but still beneficial to your lawn. You can also look at applying a layer of compost over the surface of your lawn in the early spring. Then, as your lawn grows and receives rain and irrigation, the compost will deposit its nutrients and work its way down to the roots of your lawn. 

Keep It Trimmed

The more nutrients and health properties your lawn receives, the better it is going to grow. As a result, you will need to mow your lawn regularly. However, instead of cutting your lawn short, you want to let it grow longer in length and trim it to keep it at a longer length. Allow your lawn to grow up to four inches as measured from the soil's surface. This will keep your lawn's roots shaded and the moisture protected within the soil to prevent sun dehydration to your lawn. 

When you mow your lawn, let the clippings fall down into your lawn instead of collecting them in the bag and dumping them into the trash. The clippings contain the perfect nutrients for your lawn that are organic and do not contain harmful chemicals.

Maintain Through Proper Watering

Overwatering your lawn is one of the more common problems that some lawn owners will do, which can lead to several problems instead of providing the right care for your lawn. With too much water on your lawn, it can go to waste, as your lawn does not need an overabundance of it. Too much water will also cause your lawn to grow mold and mildew throughout the lawn's layers and block oxygen from reaching the roots.

Instead, water your lawn with a purpose in mind: to promote deeper roots growth. When you water less frequently but for a longer duration, the water will reach down further into the soil. This prompts your lawn to grow its roots much more deeply to reach the deep moisture, which allows your lawn to be more drought-resistant and healthier.

Contact a company that provides organic lawn care for more information. 
