4 Reasons The Trees On Your Property Need To Be Trimmed Or Pruned As They Grow

If you want your trees to be beautiful and healthy, you'll need to have them trimmed occasionally. Once the trees are large enough, you'll probably need to call a tree trimming service to do the work, but it's worth the cost to have trees that add to the value of your property. Here are times you may want to have your trees trimmed.

1. When Branches Become Hazards

Sometimes trees are a hazard when their branches grow too close to your roof, power lines, or the street. Low branches should be trimmed so they don't block people walking along your property or block the view of drivers on the street. Regular tree trimming keeps your trees from being a threat to your house and property by controlling the growth of the tree branches.

2. When Branches Are Sick Or Injured

Dead branches are an eyesore in an otherwise beautiful tree, and they're also a threat to the tree's health. Dead branches attract insects and infections that can spread to other parts of the tree. Dying and dead branches should be trimmed away as soon as you notice them so your tree stays healthy.

3. When There Are Too Many Branches

Trees that aren't trimmed for a long time may grow many branches that create a thick canopy that blocks the sunlight a tree needs to stay healthy. Branches that grow in wild directions can affect the appearance of your tree. When too many branches are on one side of a limb, the lopsided weight might affect the tree too.

Tree trimming can be done any time of the year, but a good time to remove excess branches is when the trees are bare. This allows the tree trimming service to see the structure of the tree so they can tell which branches should be removed and which ones should be saved to preserve the shape and appearance of the tree.

4. When You Want To Encourage Growth

Pruning is a specific type of tree trimming that encourages lush growth. If you have fruit, nut, or flowering trees, cutting away excess branches allows the tree to send nutrients to the remaining branches so the leaves, flowers, fruit, or nuts are more bountiful.

Unlike regular tree trimming, pruning fruit trees may need to be done at specific times of the year to get the most benefit. A tree professional can advise you on the best time to prune your trees to optimize their production of flowers or fruit. Pruning can also be done on other trees as they grow to control their direction of growth. Removing lower branches and limbs while a tree is young helps the tree grow straight, strong, and healthy.

To learn more, contact a local tree trimming service.
