How To Make Your Yard And Property Look Great And Retain Its Value And Function

As you add to your yard's landscaping, to beautify your yard and add visual interest, there are some additional landscaping characteristics you should consider to make sure your yard and home are protected. Vegetation and a lack of vegetation in your yard can both affect your home's foundation, can cause soil erosion and property loss, and can also reduce your property's value. Here are some tips to help you make your yard's landscaping attractive and functional and ensure your property remains intact and protected.

Plant Trees

One of the best ways you can improve your yard's appearance and protection from the sun and weather is by planting trees. As a tree grows larger it will create cooling shade in the summer to your home and yard and can act as a wind barrier to your home in the winter. Especially if the tree is a coniferous tree, it can provide additional wind-break protection to your home's exterior in winter when its planted on the north side of your home.

Trees also help prevent soil erosion, and the larger they grow the erosion control increases as their root system grows outward. Just be sure you don't plant any trees too near to your home. Keep trees planted away from the foundation of your home to prevent their root growth from causing foundation damage.

Consider a Lawn

A lawn planted in areas of your yard that are not covered in flowers, bushes, and other vegetation will further help your yard and property. An established lawn will keep your yard cooler in the summer and keep the soil of your yard intact and prevent erosion from wind and water runoff.

If you don't have a lawn planted, you can consider installing one with sod for an immediately lawn, or hire a professional hydro-seed application. Hydro-seed is sprayed on in a layer of seed, mulch, and fertilizer, which hardens into a covering to your soil while the grass seeds germinate and take root in your yard. Just be sure to water sod or hydro-seed thoroughly according to the installation instructions to make sure it successfully takes root.

Add Hardscaped Surfaces

In addition to vegetation and trees, you may need some hardscaping added to your yard to add variety to its appearance. Concrete surfaces and gravel coverings can provide your yard with proper moisture runoff, especially around your home's foundation and where the gutter downspouts deposit rainwater during and after a storm.

You can add gravel to sloped areas around your yard where your home's roof deposits rain runoff. And also a concrete splash block will help prevent soil erosion and problems around your foundation with excessive moisture.

For more help, reach out to a company like Bark Blowers & Hydroseeding Inc today.
