Lawn Maintenance Tips For A Dry Yard

A dry yard is a problem that many homeowners face nowadays due to the drought conditions that have been occurring. However, this does not mean that people cannot maintain their yards. The technology and techniques for lawn care have improved over the past few years, and now drought tolerant grasses are also available. Some useful lawn maintenance tips can help homeowners to maintain a dry yard even during the extended dry spells.

Watering the Lawn

The first thing for lawn maintenance is the suitable amount of lawn watering. Many homeowners make the mistake of over-watering their lawns or not watering at all. It is the wrong approach to prepare for a drought period when there are water restrictions. Many types of grass can survive with less amount of water. Therefore, the right way to go is to water the grass as much as needed and avoid over-watering.

Summer Heat Preparation

In most cases, it is the not the drought that stresses out the lawn but the summer heat. The right way to deal with this situation in summer is to prepare ahead. In the summer, homeowners should cut the grass as high as possible. Moreover, deep rooting is another way to deal with summer heat. It reduces the chances of problems like detaching and aerating. Destructive elements like disease and insects are less likely to be there as well.

High Lawn Mowing

When the dry spell arrives, it is important that homeowners do not put more stress on their lawns. The frequency of lawn mowing should be reduced, and the lawn should not be mowed too short; otherwise, the lawn gets damaged in a few different ways. The dormant grass is likely to get injured and worn due to short mowing, and many times it is unable to recover during cooler temperatures and rains. Therefore, high lawn mowing is the best option. It will facilitate moisture retention and help retain photosynthetic leaf material.

Drought Tolerant Grass

Most people do not know that drought tolerant grass does exists. Such grasses have the ability to thrive in tough conditions. Fortunately, the drought tolerant traits of such grasses can be added to other types of grasses that are popular for lawns. In the past, drought tolerant grasses were not usually cultivated in lawns; however, now grass species like fescue are becoming popular for lawns. It is a very good drought-resistant lawn grass and it's getting quite popular.
